About a year ago, I remember checking my phone and seeing that Ariel had her second baby, a little boy and I remember thinking how I wanted to have another baby too - but no more babies for me. Anyway, when she messaged me asking if I'd do Layne's cake smash, I was thrilled!
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In the month of March, a magical thing happens. The cherry blossoms bloom and turn the city into a beautiful canvas, just waiting for family photographs.
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Fast forward 9 months and this little man greeted the world. He has grown so much, and I'm so proud to know Juan and Myrissa and so honored they let me photograph their little man.
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So every once in awhile a family contacts me for photos and we just click. And almost everytime they contact me again, I'm blown away that they are in need of my services again. You'd think I'd come to expect a lot of returning clients, and to some degree - I do - but every time I get that e-mail or text, it just reassures me that I must be doing something right.
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And that A is for attitude! :) I was blessed enough to be invited the other day into this beautiful home in Keizer to photograph a sweetheart who was turning 4 months old.
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